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From mid-Life crisis to a social advocacy Building Communities One Farm at a Time

My Playstation

Granny's not ready to publish her story.  She'll be ready to share her thoughts soon!


We, at ALL SEASONS, believe that encouraging people to invest, build, and develop farms consequently builds communities that are economically vibrant, hence our advocacy "Building Communities, One Farm at a Time." Whereas professionals may just think of farming as their ticket to retirement, a successful farm also brings opportunities to the communities where they are located.

Our Farm Fresh Produce


Leafy Green Salad Vegetables

Low-land Pinakbet & Chopsuey Vegetables

Mangoes, Bananas & Citrus Fruits

Naturally grown, pastured

Free-Range Chickens & Pekin Ducks

All Natural Chicken & Duck Eggs

Free Ranging Philippine Native Pigs

Our Farm Fresh Produce


Leafy Green Salad Vegetables

Low-land Pinakbet & Chopsuey Vegetables

Mangoes, Bananas & Citrus Fruits

Naturally grown, pastured

Free-Range Chickens & Pekin Ducks

All Natural Chicken & Duck Eggs

Free Ranging Philippine Native Pigs

All Seasons Nature Farms is the result of a strong belief that there is a better way to grow food that finds its way to the table of every household -- it is where plants and livestock are grown the way nature intended them to be!

As an advocate of natural farming techniques, All Seasons taps on the power of beneficial microorganisms for a sustainable farming ecosystem.

This is one place where pesticides and chemicals, even antibiotics, are frowned upon and waste is a sin.  Located in Brgy. San Isidro, Taysan, Batangas, the eleven-hectare farm enjoys mid-elevation climate similar to Silang in Cavite.  It is wet 

between August and October and relatively dry the rest of the year.  

High value crops at the farm include several lettuce varieties, broccoli, cauliflower,

Safe, Farm-fresh produce for everyone

and leafy greens like pechay and kangkong.  All Seasons also has a tree farm mainly of mahogany while fruit bearing trees include mangoes and bananas.  At the moment, we raise free range chicken broilers and layers as well as pekin ducks and, just recently, free ranging native pigs!

All Seasons
Orchid Keepers

Passion for all things elegant and pretty

We are Orchid Keepers and we are passionate about orchids!

As our name suggests, our centerpiece is our fine collection of orchid species and hybrids originally sourced (yes, at some point we actually learned how to grow them! :D) from reputable local and overseas nurseries. 

The collection has something for every orchid lover with our line up of meticulously selected cattleyas, oncidiums, paphiopedilums (slipper

Our Orchid Collection








orchids), phalaenopsis, and vandas. We sell orchids in flask, community pots, seedlings, and near blooming/blooming size plants. 

Orchid Keepers is an independent grower south of Manila.  We focus on high value, high quality 

specialty orchids and ornamentals encompassing both species and hybrids.

Like you, we started growing orchids from our

backyard. We've had our share of miscues (and unfortunately) not so lucky orchids -- but we've charged this to experience and learned what works.  The small successes kept us going - a new leaf here, a new growth there, a new bloom here and there.  Stuff we know you feel too.

We offer orchid lovers and would-be orchid enthusiasts guidance on how to grow orchids into collections because we understand how it feels to be in the trenches since we've been there ourselves.  We've had some help along the way and this is our means of paying it forward.

Farm School

Farm school + building communities one farm at a time

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Join our mailing list for updates, events, and tours.

Address: Brgy San Isidro, Taysan, Batangas

Phone: +63 917 825 0110



(c) Orchid Keepers 2011. (c) All Seasons Nature Farms 2017.

No part of this website's content may be copied, reposted or reproduced without permission of the copyright owner.

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